Submitted by bdp01 on Thu, 2018-09-13 15:21

Enterprises (except for microenterprises) and general government bodies must use the ISO 20022 XML format whenever they transmit payment batches to their payment service providers.

However, payment service providers and software companies may provide services to their customers that convert PS2 (or similar) files to the ISO 20022 XML format in line with SEPA requirements. The eventual use of conversion services will only be allowed if the following conditions are met:

  • conversion services must be operationally independent from the payment service offered by the payment service provider; 
  • conversion services must be carried out before the point in time of receipt by the payment service provider of a payment order; 
  • the file converted to the ISO 20022 XML format should be provided to the enterprise before being initiated as a payment; 
  • conversion services must be separately priced.
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