frequent questions
What is a basic bank account?
Access to the credit intermediary activity
List of authorised credit intermediaries
How to protect yourself from online fraud?
Know your rights when making payments in Europe.
Do you know what the gross domestic product is? What about inflation? (only in Portuguese)
Key tips to protect yourself when choosing online or mobile banking services.
Credit institutions may charge fees and charges associated with the current account. The fees are freely set by each credit institution, within the limits established by law.
Some accounts, such as the case of youth savings accounts, have associated advantages, namely exemption from the payment of account maintenance fees.
In basic bank accounts, the charges levied for the provision of these services may not annually exceed 1% of the value of the social support index.
An account maintenance fee is associated with account ownership.
It is usually charged even when the account is not used (and has no transactions) and regardless of the balance.
No fees can be charged to close the bank accounts of consumers (private customers) and micro-enterprises.
For other types of customers, fees to close an account can only be charged if fewer than six months have elapsed since the account was opened. These closure fees must be limited to the respective costs incurred.
Institutions may charge other fees, for example related to the use of payment instruments.
Credit institutions may charge fees only if that possibility is provided for in the account contract.
Nonetheless, institutions must not charge:
Institutions are also required to comply with the following limits on the collection of fees:
Institutions may also make charges corresponding to other costs borne by the institutions and payable to third parties. Institutions may pass on these charges to customers if they are related, for example, to taxes or payments to registry offices and notaries.
Credit institutions are required to publicise the maximum amount of fees and to indicate the main charges in their price lists, available at all branches, customer information desks, on the credit institutions’ websites and on this website.
Payment service providers must make available at any time and to any person a fee information document specifying the fees charged for a range of the most representative services.
The fees comparator on the Bank Customer Website can compare the fees charged by institutions for the services associated with payment accounts.
Decreto-Lei n.º 3/2010
Decreto-Lei n.º 91/2018
Decreto-Lei n.º 107/2017
Instrução n.º 11/2018
Instrução n.º 19/2018
Serviços — consultar preçários
Serviços — comparar comissões