10th Todos Contam competition – Applications by 8 October

Applications for the 10th Todos Contam competition are now open. It rewards the best financial education projects from Portuguese schools for the 2021/22 academic year.

Applications for the “School Awards” and the “Teacher Award” must be submitted by 8 October 2021 using the e-mail address [email protected].


What is the Todos Contam competition?

The Todos Contam competition promotes and fosters the development of financial education projects in schools.

It is an initiative of the National Council of Financial Supervisors (Banco de Portugal, Portuguese Securities Market Commission and Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority) and the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate-General for Education and the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training.


What are the awards?

The Todos Contam competition grants awards in the following categories:

  • “School Awards” to reward the best financial education projects, which will  then  be developed in schools during the 2021/22 school year:
    • Five “School Awards” are granted: one in Kindergarten, one in each stage of Basic Education and one in Secondary Education;
    • A continuity award may also be granted to distinguish multiannual projects that entered the competition for three consecutive editions.
  • “Teacher Award” to reward the teacher who stood out the most in implementing financial education projects in previous years.

Each winner gets books and school supplies to the sum of €1,000.

The awards granted under the “School Awards” category are shared in two parts: the first part is given after the official announcement of the award-winning projects and the second part of the award is given after the end of the 2021/22 academic year, subject to proof of the project’s actual implementation.

Winners will be officially announced during “Financial Literacy Week 2021”, promoted by the National Council of Financial Supervisors in the week of 25 to 29 October.


Who can apply?

Under the “School Awards” category, participation is open to school groupings, ungrouped schools, private and cooperative schools, and vocational schools with kindergarten, basic and secondary education.

Under the “Teacher Award” category, participation is open to teachers working in schools that have implemented financial education projects in previous years.


How can you apply?

You must submit your applications for the “School Awards” and the “Teacher Award” by 8 October 2021 to the e-mail address [email protected].

Applications for the “School Awards” must be submitted under the responsibility of the school/school grouping director or director of studies, by sending the application form included in Annex I to the terms of reference, duly completed and signed.

Applications to the “Teacher Award” must be submitted by the applicant themselves or by the school/school grouping director or director of studies, by sending the application form included in Annex II to the terms of reference, duly completed and signed.

You may check the terms of reference for the Todos Contam competition on the Todos Contam website or those of the Directorate-General for Education (www.dge.mec.pt) and the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (www.anqep.gov.pt).


What are the requirements for applications?

On the basis of the Core Competencies for Financial Education in Kindergarten, Basic Education, Secondary Education and Adult Learning and Training, the candidate projects and teachers must:

  • Raise awareness to the importance of financial knowledge on a day-to-day basis;
  • Develop key financial literacy and skills when making financial decisions;
  • Promote adequate financial behaviour and attitudes;
  • Encourage the creation of saving habits;
  • Improve knowledge and skills in the use of digital financial services:
  • Foster the use of the educational resources of the National Plan for Financial Education, such as the Financial Education Workbooks and the contents and tools available on the Todos Contam website.

Applications must also abide by the Plan’s Principles for Financial Education Initiatives. Applications that include initiatives co-developed with financial sector institutions, without involvement of the respective sector association, do not abide by the Principles and are therefore not eligible for competition.


How are applications assessed?

Applications are assessed in light of the objectives pursued by the Todos Contam competition and according to the assessment and valuation criteria set out in the terms of reference for each award category.

The projects are assessed by the Todos Contam competition jury, which is composed of Isabel Alçada (as chair), Maria Amélia Cupertino de Miranda, Alexandra Marques, José Vítor Pedroso (Director-General for Education), and Alexandra Figueiredo (member of the Board of the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training).

News National Plan for Financial Education