7th Todos Contam Competition – Applications until 12 October

Applications for the 7th Todos Contam competition are now open.

Schools can now submit their financial education projects for the 2018/2019 school year until 12 October 2018 via the email address [email protected].


What is the Todos Contam Competition?

The Todos Contam Competition distinguishes the best financial education projects to be implemented in schools.

It is an initiative of the National Council of Financial Supervisors – Banco de Portugal, Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASP) and Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) – and of the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate-General for Education and the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training.


Who can apply?

The competition is open to all Portuguese school groupings, ungrouped schools, private and cooperative schools and vocational schools with kindergarten, basic and secondary education.


How can you apply?

Projects must be submitted by 12 October via the submission of the duly completed project form provided for in the terms of reference to the email address [email protected].

Each project must apply for only one level of education/school stage:

  • Kindergarten;

  • 1st stage of basic education;

  • 2nd stage of basic education;

  • 3rd stage of basic education; or

  • Secondary education.

See the terms of reference of the Todos Contam Competition on this page or on the websites of the Directorate-General for Education (http://www.dge.mec.pt/) and of the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (www.anqep.gov.pt).


What are the project requirements?

Based on the Core Competencies for Financial Education in Kindergarten, Basic Education, Secondary Education and Adult Learning and Training, project applications must:

  • raise awareness to the importance of financial knowledge on a day-to-day basis;
  • develop knowledge and skills critical to financial decisions;

  • promote adequate financial attitudes and behaviour;

  • promote the creation of saving habits;

  • deepen knowledge and skills in the use of digital financial services;

  • encourage the use of the content and resources available on the Todos Contam website.

Projects should also be governed by the Plan’s Principles for Financial Education Initiatives. In particular, projects that include initiatives developed in partnership with financial institutions, without the framework of the respective sectoral association, do not observe the Principles and will therefore be excluded from the competition.


How are the projects evaluated?

The evaluation of the projects submitted will take into account the educational and scientific quality in the development of topics from the Core Competencies for Financial Education, the creativity and relevance, the involvement of the school community, the viability and feasibility, the creation and use of digital resources and the use of the material and information available on the Todos Contam website.

The projects will be evaluated by the jury of the Todos Contam Competition, which is composed of Isabel Alçada (as chair), Maria Amélia Cupertino de Miranda, Alexandra Marques, by the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Education, José Vítor Pedroso, and by the board member of Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, Ana Cláudia Valente.


What prizes can be awarded?

Five prizes will be awarded, consisting of books and school materials valued at 1000 euros: one for kindergarten, one for each of the three stages of basic education and one for secondary education.

A continuity prize may also be awarded to distinguish multi-year projects that have participated in the Todos Contam Competition over the last three consecutive years.

Awards are given in two stages: the first part, corresponding to half of the total amount of the award, will be delivered after the official announcement of the winning projects at the event directed at schools during Financial Literacy Week 2018, which will be held between 29 October and 2 November. The second half will be delivered after the end of the 2018/2019 school year, subject to proof of the actual implementation of the project.

News National Plan for Financial Education