National Plan for Financial Education publishes 2020 Annual Report

The National Council of Financial Supervisors released the 2020 Annual Report of the National Plan for Financial Education, which highlights the financial education initiatives undertaken by the financial supervisors and the Plan’s partners. On this occasion, the Plan's Programme of Activities for 2021 (in Portuguese only) was also disclosed, presenting the main activities to be developed by the financial supervisors and their partners during the current year.

The pandemic of the last year has required the financial supervisors and the Plan’s partners to adapt their initiatives to digital and remote communication channels.

In 2020, as part of the promotion of financial education in schools, the financial supervisors and the Ministry of Education carried out webinars on digital financial training, aimed at teachers of all levels of education. For the ninth consecutive year, the Todos Contam competition took place, in which the "School Awards" and the "Teacher Award" were granted to the educational establishments and teacher that stood out in the implementation of financial education initiatives. The financial supervisors and the Plan's partners also organised various training and awareness-raising activities that involved around 37,000 students of all ages.

In terms of financial education in vocational training and under the protocol signed with the Portuguese Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), IEFP trainers carried out 666 financial training sessions, which covered nearly 5700 trainees. The financial supervisors and the IEFP also developed a pilot project for financial education in the workplace for the IEFP's employees.

Under the partnership between the financial supervisors and IAPMEI – Public Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation - and the Portuguese Tourism Agency, a 3rd trainers’ training course was held, which strengthened the pool of certified trainers. In 2020, these trainers carried out 22 training sessions directed at 632 entrepreneurs and managers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Financial Literacy Week was held between 26 and 30 October 2020, with the sup­ported of the Plan’s partners, and involved more than 2000 students and teachers. In that week, a campaign promoting the Todos Contam website and its main contents was launched through Facebook and the Plan's Youtube channel, which reached more than 103 thousand views.

The projects implemented throughout the year were supported by the e-learning platform Todos Contam and published on the Todos Contam website and the Todos Contam Facebook page (in Portuguese only).

To learn more about the activities developed in 2020 by the National Plan for Financial Education and the respective programme of activities for 2021, check out the Todos Contam website, at

News National Plan for Financial Education