frequent questions
What is a basic bank account?
Access to the credit intermediary activity
List of authorised credit intermediaries
How to protect yourself from online fraud?
Know your rights when making payments in Europe.
Do you know what the gross domestic product is? What about inflation? (only in Portuguese)
Key tips to protect yourself when choosing online or mobile banking services.
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Entities that are not authorised to provide payment services: Belarmino Lima da Trindade and Marlene das Neves Pinto da Silva da Trindade
15 June 2023
Entity not authorised to grant credit, carry out credit intermediation or provide advisory services for credit agreements: Maria Braga – Financiamento
09 June 2023
Entity that is not authorised to grant credit, carry out credit intermediation or provide advisory services for credit agreements – “https: //www . schelhammercapitalag . com/”
Status of credit intermediary authorisation requests – May 2023
07 June 2023
Entities not authorised to grant credit – Liliana Patrícia Amaral Vieira and Rosa Natália Marques Pereira