FinCoNet highlights how Banco de Portugal monitors the offering of products and services through digital channels

The results of the second survey on financial products and services provided through digital channels, published by Banco de Portugal in May 2019, were featured in one of the current issues discussed in the newsletter of the International Financial Consumer Protection Organisation (FinCoNet).

In the article “Digitalisation of financial services – the 2nd Portuguese survey”, Banco de Portugal presents its strategy for monitoring the offering of products and services through digital channels and summarises the key results of the survey of the institutions on this topic.

The newsletter includes articles from other members and observers of FinCoNet, among which are the following contributions from:

  • The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), housed at and administered by the World Bank, on the application of insights from behavioural research to create and put in place consumer protection solutions;

  • The Bank of Russia, on legislation adopted to protect individual borrowers facing difficulties in meeting mortgage payments;

  • The banking conduct supervisor in South Africa, presenting its first conduct standard for banks. This code provides requirements for managing complaints, disclosing information to customers and advertising financial products, among other requirements;

  • The banking conduct supervisor in the Netherlands, on the application of intervention measures (including prohibition) to the marketing, distribution or sale of complex financial products through digital channels, which are difficult to monitor.

The newsletters can be found on the FinCoNet website and on this website.


About FinCoNet

FinCoNet is an international organisation of supervisory authorities which have responsibility for market conduct in the sale of retail banking products. It is presently chaired by Maria Lúcia Leitão, Head of the Banking Conduct Supervision Department of Banco de Portugal.

Its main goal is to improve the protection of banking product consumers, focusing on credit products and payment services.

Banco de Portugal, as banking conduct supervisory authority, is a founding member of FinCoNet and a member of its Governing Council.
